Setting Goals

Life goes on, without you or not.  That thought has been on my mind lately and to be honest it’s a bit scary.  I know I’m in high school, but I feel like I should be doing more with my life than just sitting around on Tumblr, YouTube, sleeping, or watching Netflix.  I’m not into new years resolutions, but here are some of my new years goals for this year.

1.  Be sarcastic like I naturally am, but not a mean sarcastic.  

I’m a very naturally sarcastic person.  I’m sarcastic and I make witty comments.  Being witty and sarcastic doesn’t mean being a mean person and I’ve noticed lately that when you’re like me and tend to say things as soon as you think of them witty comments can easily turn rude and insulting without even meaning for them to.  I need to work on balancing this and not always speaking exactly what I’m thinking.

2.  Get my butt of the couch.  Go outside.

I will go two weeks without going outside given the opportunity.  That’s not healthy and I don’t like it, but I still do it.  I live in Wisconsin and it’s crazy cold here in the winter, but I still need to get outside and breath some fresh air and then get back in the house and run on the treadmill.  Summers and Springs are really nice here though and I need to start taking advantage of the nice weather like I did when I was little.  I remember when I was younger I used to feel really icky and weird if I didn’t go outside everyday.  I felt like I wasting the day and I’d feel guilty if I didn’t go outside.  Now I just need to get outside more and maybe do some more exercise, especially since I play softball.

3.  Be creative.  Apply butt to chair.

A few weeks ago my english teacher’s musician friend came and talked to us about poetry and when someone asked him how he writes his songs and poetry he said simply “apply butt to chair”.  There’s no secret potion that can make someone creative you just have sit down and create.  Sitting and thinking about doing something isn’t actually going to get anything done.  You have to just do it.  Apply butt to chair.  I need to write more, play instruments more and stop telling myself I’ll do it later.  I love creating films, music, and just writing in general.  It makes me happy and fills something inside me, but lately I haven’t been playing guitar or writing or filming.  I NEED to apply butt to chair badly and not get so caught up on what I’m making being bad and just do it.  I’ never going to get better sitting and doing nothing.

4.  Get out there.  

I need to go to more concerts.  I haven’t been going to concerts every two or three months like I used to.  I also haven’t been talking to new people as much.  I know whenever I don talk to new people they’re actually really cool and know a lot about different places to see bands and stuff.  I just need to get outside leave the house and go places.  Get out there.

I think that’s a pretty good list of goals.  I’m REALLY going to try and stick to them.  I already do all of them, just not enough.  Hopefully these things become the regular for me.  Happy New Year!