
Where do people find inspiration and drive?  When I look back on my life and all the things I felt really passionate about, I realize that had a forever burning for it.  A burning love.  A burning drive and desire.  Now a few years later it’s not completely gone, but it’s dwindling.  It’s going somewhere, and I’m not sure where that is.  Is it going to a new love, a new passion?  Will I find a new drive, start a new one?  Or is the same one just taking a break?  Going on hold for a while.  Is it resting only to come back even stronger than before?  If so I wonder how long it takes to come back.  Does it come back or do I have to go and find it again?  I’m hoping to answer or at least understand some of these questions better soon.  Inspiration, passion, and drive are powerful things.  They can’t be faked.  They have to be honest.  They don’t have to be good.  They just have to be honest.  I’ve just been wondering how honest I’ve been.

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