Coffee Mugs Are An Art Form

Writing is hard.  Writing on a blog isn’t since anything could be written without plot or purpose.  Writing a short film is hard.  Let me restate that, writing a short film that I feel good and satisfied with is hard.  Plot and purpose and things I’ve never really felt in life, and conveying those things in moving film is almost just as hard right now.  Ideas are easy to come up with, however ideas worth pursuing are the challenge.  One way to go about this would be to just role with a mediocre idea and maybe it’ll work itself out, or maybe I’ll just get that idea out of my head.  But I don’t do that.  Once I realize I’m at a dead end with an idea in I lose passion for it and search for passion somewhere else.  The problem is… I find it.  Then I have the conundrum of having a different passion and pursing that.  Only, of course, until I lose steam with and that and go searching for something else.  Now I’m frustrated.  You know what I’ll do now?  I’ll try and find the big picture.  What Am I Trying To Say?  Well, I’m not sure what I’m trying to say.  I’m not sure I even know what beverage I would like to be sipping while typing this so how should I know what I want to say?  Is it plot or structure, or is it rather that I can’t commit to ideas, thoughts, and plans?  My mind has got a million ideas just enough to get started but never finished.  Different aesthetics, different messages, different themes, thoughts, and ideas.  I just don’t have the will to follow through on them.  I’ve thought about forcing myself to just stick with something, but whenever I do that I get an idea that’s better and that I’m passionate about halfway through the thing I’m trying to force myself self to commit to.  And then I just feel bad because I’ve made something mediocre while a great idea has slipped away.

Now it’s bothering me that a lot of the books I read when I was younger started sentences with the word ‘And’.  Maybe I’d stay passionate about an idea if I get nostalgic.  Although I’m not really in the mood to open up that can of worms.  Maybe I could stick to the future, but that brings up the whole “I don’t have a purpose and don’t know what I want” problem and making films about being confused means making a coming of age story.  I’m not trying to be that cliche.  Lets try some word vomit and see what arrives…

I firmly believe that coffee mugs are an under appreciated art form.  Radiohead is best enjoyed while at a crossroad in life on a cloudy day.  I used to loathe the use of puns in everyday life, but have since gained a new found appreciation and slight fondness for them.  I love my cat dearly, and the more she’s around the more I realize I DO NOT want kids.  However, I love babies and sometimes the thought of a really cute one smiling almost brings me to tears.  Mayonnaise is the anti christ of condiments.  It bothers me that when I flex my foot a certain way it triggers a foot cramp in my toes.  Does that happen to everyone?  I wonder if people actually read this or if the few likes I do get are from computers and people liking things to get me to notice them and buy something.  Speaking of buying things, I don’t understand why I can go to a thrift store and get a great quality “ugly” Cosby sweater for 5 bucks, but if I went to a normal store I would have to settle for a sweater that’s not as “ugly” and is of worse quality (and also overpriced).  Also, I wish that different teas were as common as coffee.  When there’s a meeting there’s coffee.  When there’s a gathering there’s coffee.  There should be tea and not just classic brew tea various teas.  Various mugs would also be appreciated because as I stated before, they’re an art form.

Until Next Time


Where do people find inspiration and drive?  When I look back on my life and all the things I felt really passionate about, I realize that had a forever burning for it.  A burning love.  A burning drive and desire.  Now a few years later it’s not completely gone, but it’s dwindling.  It’s going somewhere, and I’m not sure where that is.  Is it going to a new love, a new passion?  Will I find a new drive, start a new one?  Or is the same one just taking a break?  Going on hold for a while.  Is it resting only to come back even stronger than before?  If so I wonder how long it takes to come back.  Does it come back or do I have to go and find it again?  I’m hoping to answer or at least understand some of these questions better soon.  Inspiration, passion, and drive are powerful things.  They can’t be faked.  They have to be honest.  They don’t have to be good.  They just have to be honest.  I’ve just been wondering how honest I’ve been.

Inspiation, Jack White


Day 9, something or someone that inspires you.

Someone that inspires me is Jack White. He’s my favorite living guitarist and I think that he knows what he’s doing when it comes to music. Whenever I need to see something to help me remember why I love music so much, I’ll usually just watch one of Jack White’s guitar solos and everything is right with the world. He’s music just makes me want to pick up a guitar and have fun.

The video is of Jack White with one of his bands, The Raconteurs. The song is, Consoler Of The Lonely.